The IPCC Report was released on 28th February, 2022. It has predicted that Temperature will increase further by 1.5°C, Sea level will rise, Heat wave will increase, Moisture level in air will increase etc. This is where climatic adaption becomes critical. While mitigation involves cutting the pace of global emissions and slowing down warming, adaptation is essential to save lives and livelihoods in the short to medium term.Adaptation also helps in building long-term resilience to impacts of climate change. If farmers will not adapting to changes in crop practices this will cause crop failure / low production. Already in Gujarat crop productivity is on decline.
The Council may establish State level units or associate with other interested organizations at State and district levels in furtherance of its objectives. These are based on a logical framework to ensure locally relevant action duly integrating local knowledge and leadership to sustain action.
Role of Research & Education in Atmanirbhar Krishi Oct 6, 2020